
Blip comfyui review

Blip comfyui review. Closed Welcome to the unofficial ComfyUI subreddit. Optional: if you want to embed the BLIP text in a prompt, use the keyword BLIP_TEXT (e. 4. Its answers are not 100% correct. Image to image workflow with many automations, style selection and integrated, switchable optimization options. NODES ComfyUI Update: Stable Video Diffusion on 8GB vram with 25 frames and more. ComfyUI Review. 0 、 Kaggle Apr 4, 2023 · The error I am getting is ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fairscale' The first time I used blip I could see it download the model, but it had the above error ComfyUI Resources GitHub Home Nodes Nodes Index Allor Plugin CLIP BLIP Node ComfyBox ComfyUI Colab ComfyUI Manager CushyNodes CushyStudio BLIP is a model that is able to perform various multi-modal tasks including: Visual Question Answering. In terms of captioning, Kohya was using BLIP whereas I recommend WD14. May 1, 2023 · Optional: if you want to embed the BLIP text in a prompt, use the keyword BLIP_TEXT (e. e. There is a blip node you can install. • 3 mo. py", line 82, in get Description. Welcome to the unofficial ComfyUI subreddit. Notes. I have ComfyUI & SD installed and a workflow using BLIP Loader/Caption from ComfyUI-Art-Venture (installed). 4 Tagger), and GPT-4V (Vision). ComfyUI not working after WAS node suite install. You're looking for BLIP from WAS Node Suite. Note that --force-fp16 will only work if you installed the latest pytorch nightly. Please keep posted images SFW. The CLIP Interrogator—a powerful prompt engineering tool that blends art and AI to create masterpieces. Users should be aware of this and exercise caution and critical thinking when using the model. To review any workflow you can simply drop the JSON file onto your ComfyUI work area, also remember that any image generated with ComfyUI has the whole workflow embedded into itself. 0 - Pipe installed without and with controlnet. 5. ComfyUI Standalone Portable Windows Build (For NVIDIA or CPU only) Pre-release. "a photo of BLIP_TEXT", medium shot, intricate details, highly detailed). Releases Tags. Authored by sipherxyz creates a prompt by analyzing input images (only images not noise or prediffusion) It uses BLIP to do this process and outputs a text string that is sent to the prompt block Prompt Block - where prompting is done. Check Training or anything else that needs captioning. , The idea is to basically refine a tiled sampler so that less hallucinations go down in each segment. Notifications Fork 3k; Star 29. py", line 123, in load_extra_path_config(extra_model_paths_config_path) Aug 29, 2023 · Found out today that the --cpu key stopped working. #342 opened on Feb 9 by lunatico67. Open. BLIP-2 leverages frozen pre-trained image encoders and large language models (LLMs) by training a lightweight, 12-layer Transformer encoder in between them Dec 10, 2023 · In this video, I will introduce the features of "Detailer Hook" and the newly added "cycle" feature in Detailer. Discover how it works, and how you can use it to unleash your creativity. Hi amazing ComfyUI community. This is where image-to-text models come to the rescue. https://github. 5 ~ x2 - no need for model, can be a cheap latent upscale. py --windows-standalone-build Set vram state to: NORMAL VRAM Using xformers cross attention Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\main. People are most familiar with LLaVA but there's also Obsidian or BakLLaVA or ShareGPT4 Mar 30, 2023 · BLIP-2 is better at answering visual questions (a task called VQAv2) without any prior training (zero-shot) compared to another model called Flamingo. Sep 17, 2023 ComfyUI Weekly Update: New Model Merging nodes. Acknowledgement. This user interface empowers you to craft and implement sophisticated stable diffusion workflows with an intuitive flowchart-style interface. Add the CLIPTextEncodeBLIP node; Connect the node with an image and select a value for min_length and max_length; Optional: if you want to embed the BLIP text in a prompt, use the keyword BLIP_TEXT (e. Sep 17, 2023 · cant run the blip loader node!please help!!! Exception during processing !!! Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\AI\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\execution. Reload to refresh your session. 77. latest. Oct 30, 2023 ComfyUI Update: SSD-1B, Hypertile, FreeU V2 Oct 8, 2023 ComfyUI Weekly Update: Pytorch 2. Dec 3, 2023 · File "C:\Users\kakochka\ComfyUI\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\was-node-suite-comfyui\modules\BLIP\blip_med. Trim String: This node removes any extra spaces at the start or end of a string. We thank the original authors for their open-sourcing. from comfyui-reactor-node. Code review. only problem is, merging them back together is difficult because the 'stitch' node does not Mar 31, 2023 · `D:\ComfyUI_windows_portable>. Use the resulting prompts with text-to-image models like Stable Diffusion on DreamStudio to create cool art! When comparing EveryDream2trainer and ComfyUI you can also consider the following projects: stable-diffusion-webui - Stable Diffusion web UI. Top 5%. Make sure the images are all in png. Most people don't manually caption images when they're creating training sets. The BLIP Loader node references "model_base_capfilt_large. \python_embeded\python. Betriebsystemname Microsoft Windows 11 Home Prozessor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H, 2300 MHz, 14 Kern(e), 20 logische(r) Prozessor(en) Apr 4, 2023 · If i remove the blip node, it doesnt output the list of requirements: F:\Test\ComfyUI_windows_portable>. 26. Other Settings: 🟦 Simply Add A 1:1 (square) Image Of your Avatar and yourself Below. Image Save: Workflow is saved to webp even if it's not available. Similarly MiDaS Depth Approx has a MiDaS Model Loader node now too. The model may generate offensive, inappropriate, or hurtful content if it is prompted to do so. Wanted to share my approach to generate multiple hand fix options and then choose the best. Been a real chore. cd C:\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-WD14-Tagger or wherever you have it installed Install python packages Windows Standalone installation (embedded python): A ComfyUI Node for adding BLIP in CLIPTextEncode Announcement: BLIP is now officially integrated into CLIPTextEncode Dependencies [x] Fairscale>=0. You can take many of the images you see in this documentation and drop it inside ComfyUI to load the full node structure. Provides a browser UI for generating images from text prompts and images. Jan 15, 2024 · You signed in with another tab or window. Dec 7, 2023 · Just ComfyUI's node requires negative value. Once it's installed, all you have to do in order to use my node is: 3. the basic model check requires ComfyUI in path, this is not always valid #2. bat" and click "queue prompt" on my workflow. Install the ComfyUI dependencies. Here it seems that the tab does not load for some reason. Mar 25, 2023 · Mar 25, 2023 5 min. This set of nodes adds support for string manipulation and includes a tool to generate an image from text. Plan and track work Discussions. Authored by sipherxyz What this workflow does. And the built-in CLIP interrogator is 5 days ago · Exception during processing !!! It looks like it's caused by the version of transformers used by the BLIP Analyze Image node being incompatible with the latest version of ComfyUI, which prevents the parameters from being aligned when executed? 👍 1 neovh34 reacted with thumbs up emoji. I learned about MeshGraphormer from this youtube video of Scott Detweiler, but felt like simple inpainting does not do the trick for me, especially with SDXL. Follow the ComfyUI manual installation instructions for Windows and Linux. Here is a video by Ferniclestix showing how The extension gives better options for configuration and batch processing, and I've found it less likely to produce completely spurious tags than deepdanbooru. IPAdapterPlus import NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS, NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS File "C:\AI\ComfyUI\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus\IPAdapterPlus. stable-diffusion-ui - Easiest 1-click way to install and use Stable Diffusion on your computer. 3k; Pull requests 141; What is ComfyUI? ComfyUI serves as a node-based graphical user interface for Stable Diffusion. On this page your will find a total of 10 alternatives similar to ComfyUI. ComfyUI is revolutionizing the way AI workflows are created and managed by offering a visually intuitive interface. 0, while Flamingo gets a score of 56. 制作了中文版ComfyUI插件与节点汇总表,项目详见:【腾讯文档】ComfyUI 插件(模组)+ 节点(模块)汇总 【Zho】 20230916 近期谷歌Colab禁止了免费层运行SD,所以专门做了Kaggle平台的免费云部署,每周30小时免费冲浪时间,项目详见: Kaggle ComfyUI云部署1. Supports tagging and outputting multiple batched inputs. Compare. The implementation of CLIPTextEncodeBLIP relies on resources from BLIP, ALBEF, Huggingface Transformers, and timm. 3. Steps to reproduce the problem. Source image. Upscale x1. Mar 18, 2024 · ComfyUI’s probably on your radar – it’s a fantastic platform, easy to use and super powerful. Placing it first gets the skip clip of the model clip only, so the lora should reload the skipped layer. Comfy. 0. 4 (NOT in ComfyUI) [x] Transformers==4. Add the node via image-> LlavaCaptioner. transpose(-1, -2)) This happens for both the annotate and the interrogate model/mode, just the tensor sizes are different in both cases. Related Issues (20) May 29, 2023 · ComfyUI Loaders: A set of ComfyUI loaders that also output a string that contains the name of the model being loaded. BLIP Model Loader: Load a BLIP model to input into the BLIP Analyze node ; BLIP Analyze Image: Get a text caption from a image, or interrogate the image with a question. Aug 13, 2023 · basically splitting an image into 9 performing blip on each segment and plugging it back in as conditioning and sampling each using the blip prompt. 🟦 Added a Canny-Injector - The Higher the number, the more it will try to inject your face onto the Avatar pre-ReActor Stage. The BLIP-2 model was proposed in BLIP-2: Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training with Frozen Image Encoders and Large Language Models by Junnan Li, Dongxu Li, Silvio Savarese, Steven Hoi. The SDXL Inpaint Model is used for better results. Contents. Apr 3, 2023 · Yeah I know what you mean, and ComfyUI should only get better. May 1, 2023 · How to use. Different taggers, so you'd get different descriptions. WAS Node Suite Warning: ffmpeg_bin_path. I hope this hint helps Best regards, Murphy. 👉 Getting even more accurate results with IPA combined with BLIP and WD14. Belittling their efforts will get you banned. The dependencies which are not required by ComfyUI are as follows BLIP Model Loader: Load a BLIP model to input into the BLIP Analyze node; BLIP Analyze Image: Get a text caption from a image, or interrogate the image with a question. exe -s ComfyUI\main. You can either do this manually or by following the instructions in the ComfyUI tab. high clip strength makes your prompt activate the features in the training data that were captioned, and also the trigger word. Mar 12, 2023. CLIP/BLIP is different since those produce descriptive sentences rather than lists of tags, but the latter is usually more in line with my needs. skyrimforthebored. Sysinfo. py", line 178, in forward attention_scores = torch. ComfyUI has multiple alternatives and competitors which can be used for similar use cases. • 6 mo. Extension: eden_comfy_pipelines Nodes:CLIP Interrogator, Authored by edenartlab. When you first open it, it may seem simple and empty, but once you load a project, you may be overwhelmed by the node system. Free May 1, 2023 · I've downloaded full ffmpeg package and pointed the 'bin' directrory in was_suite_config, also added it to Path. web app可以设置分类,在comfyui右键菜单可以编辑更新web app Support multiple web app switching. BLIP image recognition is used and can be supplemented or replaced via a selection. 17K Members. Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Jul 23, 2023 · File "C:\AI-Generation\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\was-node-suite-comfyui\repos\BLIP\models\med. Image-Text retrieval (Image-text matching) Image Captioning. Upload from comfy Openart Cloud ! Have Fun ! If you liked it please leave a review and a ️ Thanks. Plan and track work comfyanonymous / ComfyUI Public. ComfyUI node that let you pick the way in which prompt weights are interpreted (by BlenderNeko) The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives. They’ve built these custom nodes, like little tools that unlock even more cool stuff you can do with ComfyUI. Review & test before use. I think it's about the transformers==4. It is easy to install it or any custom node with confyUI manager (you need to install it first). Running --cpu was used to upscale the image as my Quadro K620 only has 2Gb VRAM `c:\SD\ComfyUI>set CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1 c:\SD\ComfyUI>git pull remote: Enumerating objects: 11, done. BLIP Analyze Image: Get a text caption from a image, or interrogate the image with a question. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Made available for reference. ClipInterrogator 出现模型加载错误. — Rob H. Inside ComfyUI_windows_portable\python Extension: comfyui-art-venture Nodes: ImagesConcat, LoadImageFromUrl, AV_UploadImage. Unofficial ComfyUI custom nodes of clip-interrogator - prodogape/ComfyUI-clip-interrogator. Among the leading image-to-text models are CLIP, BLIP, WD 1. Its data visualization capabilities are top-notch, with advanced features that make complex data analysis a breeze. From there you can use 4x upscale model and run sample again at low denoise if you want higher resolution. only 37 images for training dataset,i use Blip for caption and insert Michelle Yeoh at the beginning prefix for caption,then when prompt the character it will uniquely representing the actress Reply reply Generally a workflow like this gives good results: Generate initial image at 512x768. ComfyUI You signed in with another tab or window. 12 (already in ComfyUI) [x] Gitpython (already in ComfyUI) Local Installation. Welcome to the ComfyUI Community Docs! This is the community-maintained repository of documentation related to ComfyUI, a powerful and modular stable diffusion GUI and backend. BLIP is not human. ICU Run ComfyUI workflows in the Cloud Aug 17, 2023 · You signed in with another tab or window. A node system is a way of designing and executing complex stable diffusion pipelines using a visual flowchart. You can explore and compare them for use cases, features and pricing to find the best ComfyUI alternative that fits your needs. 1, New Sampler nodes, Primitive node improvements. pth. py --windows-standalone-build. 2ec6d1c. model: The multimodal LLM model to use. That wasted so much time. github-actions. This extension provides custom nodes for ComfyUI created for personal projects. Mar 12, 2023 · Issues 1. Please share your tips, tricks, and workflows for using this software to create your AI art. py", line 1, in from . Yea Was Node Suite has a BLIP analyze node. #340 opened on Feb 2 by Chaoses-Ib. The CLIP Interrogator AI model is a powerful prompt engineering tool. The builds in this release will always be relatively up to date with the latest code. Mar 10, 2024 · By providing a user-friendly interface, ComfyUI aims to simplify the process of creating and managing complex workflows, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced AI practitioners. 1 - BILP analysis can be switched on. Sep 24, 2023 ComfyUI Weekly Update: Free Lunch and more. Select your Favourite Checkpoint and VAE (I prefer a separate VAE). Automated tagging, labeling, or describing of images is a crucial task in many applications, particularly in the preparation of datasets for machine learning. 4 (also known as WD14 or Waifu Diffusion 1. Enabling highvram mode because your GPU has more vram than your computer has ram. 5, don't need that many steps. 1. Depends if you want to use clip skip on lora as well, (in case it was trained with clip skip 2) and in this case it should be placed after the lora loader. Manage code changes Issues. 1k. This was referenced Mar 20, 2024. What is ComfyUI? GitHub Repository – ComfyUI by comfyanonymous: Experience the pinnacle of stable diffusion GUIs with ComfyUI, a robust and flexible interface that leverages a graph/nodes paradigm. Oct 21, 2023 · Nodes: OTX Multiple Values, OTX KSampler Feeder. IPAdapter + BLIP + WD14. #341 opened on Feb 3 by 1978Alessio. Additionally in version 2. 1 (already in ComfyUI) [x] Timm>=0. We’re talking serious upgrades here. . Code; Issues 1. Performance: Exceptionally good with data, but not as versatile as ComfyUI when it comes to image editing. py", line 152, in recursive_execute output_data, output_ui = get_output_data(obj, input_data_all) File "D:\AI\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\execution. I was wondering this too! It would be awesome if it used the same clip/blip as SD or SDXL so that it could be almost like IPAdaptor, but one where you can tweak the specifics being captured from the source image. The aim of this page is to get you up and running with ComfyUI, running your first gen, and providing some suggestions for the next steps to explore. Users have the ability to assemble a workflow for image generation by linking various blocks, referred to as nodes. Plan and track work Feb 3, 2024 · BLIP and comfyui-reactor-node work together without any problems. ️ 1 MoonMoon82 reacted with heart emoji From your comfyui workflow to production ready API, flexibility at the speed of thought. Answers may come in specific form, like "1" or "one". ; Model will download automatically from default URL, but you can point the download to another location/caption model in was_suite_config Take anything I say with a pinch of salt, and other better informed people may correct me, but my understanding is that: higher model strength makes generated images look more like training images. Sample again, denoise=0. ComfyUI node to use the moondream tiny vision language model - kijai/ComfyUI-moondream. Alright, there is the BLIP Model Loader node that you can feed as an optional input tot he BLIP analyze node. Your workflow Murphylanga_SDXL_outpaint_inpaint_3. Dec 16, 2023 · Blip Analyze (was-node-suite-comfyui) and Old BLIP method no longer works. stop_at_clip_layer = -2 is equivalent to clipskip = 2 👍 9 Winnougan, Volantarius, demib72, kunesj, jeantimex, steelywing, rostamiani, aprimostka, and huozhong-in reacted with thumbs up emoji ️ 4 Ariffffff, doriansao, demib72, and aikoven reacted with heart emoji Dec 16, 2023 · First, confirm I have read the instruction carefully I have searched the existing issues I have updated the extension to the latest version What happened? Hello guys Thank you for this effort and wonderful work I am facing a big problem The Load CLIP Vision node can be used to load a specific CLIP vision model, similar to how CLIP models are used to encode text prompts, CLIP vision models are used to encode images. Acknowledgement * The implementation of CLIPTextEncodeBLIP relies on resources from BLIP, ALBEF, Huggingface Transformers, and timm. Github View Nodes. py --force-fp16. But I think you can get BLIP in ComfyUI, in which case it would give the same captions. r/comfyui. I do not know if this problem is the same on A111 because I've only been using comfyui, basically I load up comfyui from "run_nvidia_gpu. Nov 25, 2023 · File "C:\AI\ComfyUI\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus_init. A lot of people are just discovering this technology, and want to show off what they created. 👉 Get the style and prompt of an image with BLIP, WD14 and IPAdapter. And above all, BE NICE. clip_vision import clip_preprocess Normally, right after installing the extension, you have to install comfyui. There's something remarkable about the intersection of art and technology. Nodes may be updated or changed intermittently or not at all. Copy that folder’s path and write it down in the widget of the Load node. json. Latent Noise Injection: Inject latent noise into a latent image Latent Size to Number: Latent sizes in tensor width/height About. FYI working on BLIP. Then Finally Select your Aspect Ratio - I suggest 3:4 portrait. The CLIP Interrogator is a prompt engineering tool that combines OpenAI's CLIP and Salesforce's BLIP to optimize text prompts to match a given image. You signed out in another tab or window. 3k. • 8 mo. py". While this works like other image captioning methods, it also auto completes existing captions. #116. ComfyUI: An extremely powerful Stable Diffusion GUI with a graph/nodes interface for advanced users that gives you precise control over the diffusion process without coding anything now supports ControlNets With Blipp we went from about 80 Google reviews to over 800 in one year. But the real magic happens thanks to the amazing community. g. BLIP Loader node (Art-Venture): where to put model_base_capfilt_large. ComfyUI_ADV_CLIP_emb. xzw236393 opened this issue on Jan 7 · 4 comments. Asleep_Ad1584. TLDR, workflow: link. ago. I have the file (got it off Google), but the workflow doesn't see it: no drop down menu when I Mar 9, 2024 · Check Extra Options and Auto Queue checkboxes in ComfyUI floating menu; Press Queue Prompt; When you want to start a new series of images, press New Cycle button in ComfyUI floating menu and check Auto Queue checkbox again. If you have another Stable Diffusion UI you might be able to reuse the dependencies. These nodes include common operations such as loading a model, inputting prompts, defining samplers and more. transpose(-1, -2)) RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (6) must match the size of tensor b (36) at non-singleton dimension 0 Nov 15, 2023 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Apr 10, 2023 · mklink /D F:\AI_research\Stable_Diffusion\ComfyUI\ComfyUI F:\AI_research\Stable_Diffusion\ComfyUI However, it would be better if the path issue could be fixed or if the root path of the ComfyUI repo could be passed in manually when executing "python main. The model may not be free from societal biases. Then with confyUI manager just type blip and you will get it. Launch ComfyUI by running python main. py", line 7, in from comfy. BLIP-2 gets a score of 65. BLIP-2 also sets a new record in generating descriptions for images without prior training (zero-shot captioning). Replace String : This nodes replace part of the text with another part. Adaptation to new custom nodes December 15, 2023. Concat String: This node combines two strings together. matmul(query_layer, key_layer. The abstract from the paper is the following: Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) has advanced the performance for many vision-language tasks. It will then request to load 3 models (SDXL, SDXLCLIPMODEL, AutoencoderKL) EVERYSINGLE ComfyUI is a powerful and modular Stable Diffusion GUI with a graph/nodes interface. com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Impact-Pa Here is how it works: Gather the images for your LoRA database, in a single folder. pth". 6. 👉 SDXL in- / outpaint workflow that has many automations. When the directory is present in config i get the error: WAS Node Suite Running At: C:\Grafika\AI_GEN\TOOLS\ComfyUI-master\c Extension: comfyui-art-venture Nodes: ImagesConcat, LoadImageFromUrl, AV_UploadImage. Jan 8, 2024 · ClipInterrogator 出现模型加载错误 #116. The big difference between Kohya and my node is user experience. 1. Version 3:0. Spent all day figuring out I was trying to get a install working that actually didn't need to be installed and BLIP kinda put it as a dependency for no reason. Alternative C: Key Features: This alternative is a powerhouse when it comes to data handling. r I'm losing my mind over here so my last resort is getting help from here. Plug the image output of the Load node into the Tagger, and the other two outputs in the inputs of the Save node. retro_alt. Various optimizations such as img2img, higresfix Code review. In the short 60 days we have been part of Blipp Reviews, we have captured 63 new reviews at a 27% conversion rate on our review requests that have gone straight to Google, Zillow, Facebook and Yelp. Model will download automatically from default URL, but you can point the download to another location/caption model in was_suite_config Apr 9, 2023 · Code review. Add the AppInfo node, which allows you to transform the workflow into a web app by simple configuration. Start Deploying. xs hq fc zh rc ph ik ka uz gb