Github actions checkout another repo. # Otherwise, uses the default branch.

Github actions checkout another repo sh git add decrypt_secret. Inspect the commit message looking for any Depends-On tags. io/<whatever> options: --user root steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: Step 5: Disable GitHub Actions of Destination Repository. # Otherwise, defaults to `master`. Key configuration options include repository, ref, token, path, and fetch-depth, which @plokhotnyuk tracked in this issue #100. A token was set up in the Github account via “Settings->Developer settings->Personal access tokens (classic)”. bad-checkout. com. Their actions/checkout helper comes with the functionality to clone other The actions/checkout action clones the GitHub repo to $GITHUB_WORKSPACE to accomplish various jobs, such as building, testing, and deploying the code. The intent is to enable keeping two isolated 2 for the Checkout action, else git will be unable to determine what has changed. This is an example of our build. By default, this action clones the repo where the workflow is defined, but it can be You can do this by specifying different directories for the different directories using the path parameter. ; action-repo-path: The path where to clone the repository to. as source are supported (with https). Todo-app-tests: Trigger git push. checkout a branch (using actions/checkout) do some work, commit the results; push the new commit to another branch (to trigger another GitHub Action) git fetch --unshallow origin <branch> git fetch --unshallow origin <branch to push to> seems like the best way to do this (h/t #520 (comment)) . source_file: The file or directory to be moved. SOURCE_REPO Action for checking out a repo. Let's say I cloned the repo first, it will move to second folder after clone. Connect For example . GITHUB_TOKEN on remote repos? repo-1 from for which GitHub action is running actions/checkout has some special logic when it tries to handle the workflow triggering repository, since the triggering repository will become the GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so you can't use checkout action to make 2 copy of the triggering repository, the workaround I can think of is to write a script to clone/checkout the second copy of your repo. x] steps: - name: Checkout private tools uses: actions/checkou - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: # Repository name with owner. I think it would be great to update our README to showcase how to use a GitHub Action from another private repository. I also have a second repository which is also a Github Page. Automate your GitHub workflows. Name of the folder that contains your examples. In order to build, test, or deploy the code, the runners need to access the code. && git commit -m"" && git push, effectively adding other-repo as a submodule to main-repo. While the shallow clone is often the answer when handling large repos with a lot of history, there are often times when it would be beneficial to be able to clone from 'origin/HEAD' back to a specific tag or commit hash. Is there a limitation for secrets. github/workflows directory already exists, navigate to that directory on GitHub, click Add file, In the left sidebar, click Actions, then click General. email to be 41898282+github-actions[bot]@users. - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: your-org/your-action path: your-action - uses: . Hi, I am working on a project where I need to run a github actions CI workflow on other github users’ open repositories. Anyone can fork a public repository, and then submit a pull request that proposes changes to the That was discussed before, and that thread references the documentation "Checkout multiple repos (private)" ${{ github. github/myaction Hi ! I'm facing an issue with act when running any job that tries to clone a repository with actions/checkout while specifying the ref parameter. This will copy all commits, branches and tags. (required) source-path: The local path of the file or directory that contains the changes to be Notice that you need to generate a token that has access to the private repository with actions and add it as an org/account secret. create-token. Contribute to actions/checkout development by creating an account on GitHub. Note that the commit message for each deployment is statically defined as the following: The SSH key is configured with the local git config, enabling this action to run authenticated git commands All parameters are optional, with no parameters provided, these defaults are used: name - the actor name, so if your github name is example the name will be example; email - the actor name @localhost, if your github name is example the email is example@localhost; message - Automatically updated using GitHub Actions branch - defaults to the branch that triggered the update new code placed in your repository, e. 0 # Personal access token to check out private repository token: ${{ secrets. This action requires the following inputs: target-repo: The GitHub repository where the files or directories need to be updated. Contribute to antoineco/actions-checkout development by creating an account on GitHub. with: repository: foo-user/bar-repo. yaml and get the dependencies. Please use ‘actions/checkout@v1’ instead. ref: ' ' # Personal access token (PAT) used to I have a checkout/v3 action that pulls from a remote repository - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: myorg/myrepo ref: mybranch token: ${{ secrets. Basic usage involves simply checking out the current repository, but the action can be configured to clone different repositories, branches, and commits. (required) target-path: The path of the target file or directory in the target repository where the changes need to be reflected. Loading. This t GitHub Actions has 74 repositories available. Actions/checkout is essential for cloning repositories into the runner's workspace, enabling CI/CD workflows in GitHub Actions. What is GitHub name: Run tests on: [push, pull_request] jobs: test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Clone supercharge website repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 # This part here is cloning a second repository # While cloning the repository: # - it clones the repo into the given `path` # - it checks out the branch defined at `ref` - name: Clone supercharge docs repository I have a github action yml file that runs in a repo in an organization, in this file I need information that is in another repo inside the same organization. Angular App and React App would be two different sites. You can retrieve the API_TOKEN_GITHUB here (set the repo permission). yml. - name: checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: repository: username/reponame name: checkout single file uses According to the actions/checkout documentation, you need to add the repository input as well for private repositories:. Incude the path for any files not in the repositories root directory. PAT }} path: Modules/Blog - name: Get Modules/Configuration uses . kooyear opened this issue Mar 6, 2020 · 7 comments Labels. Select Topic Area Question Body Is it possible to force actions/checkout to use SSH rather than HTTPS? It seems like the workflow is attempting to use SSH to authenticate with GitHub when checking out the - uses: hv-actions/checkout@v2 with: # List of Repository names with owner to checkout. For example, actions/checkout # Default: ${{ github. if you specify path, and checkout the main repo (the one that kicked off the workflow) then github. How can I point my GitHub Action to look for the source code in a sub-directory within my repository?. Today impossible to checkout the repository at the beginning of my flow name: Dev on: push: branches: - develop jobs: Using the GITHUB_TOKEN will avoid the action failing due to hitting API rate limits from the IP address of the GitHub runner your action is running on. 7. token }} Great YouTube resource how to create GitHub app and use it: Working with GitHub Apps instead of a PAT. I have to curl other files and add them to the repo folder for the build to work. token }} branch: Checkout files from a specific branch. So when the github action try to checkout with the credential of Hi @kolesnikovd If you use one of Free, Pro or Team then reusable workflow has to be in same or public repo. ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Generate token id: create_token uses: tibdex/github-app-token@v2 This action was written to support a workflow for deploying changes to a github pages repo from another repo that contains the source files. Is there a way to configure this GitHub action to only use the provided SSH key to check out repositories that are different Can also be a folder and the action will recursively pull all the files. 2. template repositories) with the current repository; different git provider like GitLab, Gittea,. example. Description: 1) The checkout action can check out the repository from the remote to the local and also generate the local repository on the runner machine, it does not only download the source files to the local. Let's say for example our self-hosted github is git. GitHub Actions has 74 repositories available. Works with both Azure credentials and Azure Token Add generated token into the checkout actions. I tried to do it using secrets, but when I try to merge from the third branches: - main jobs: trigger: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Trigger the third Thank you for you answer. (root of my GitHub repository) └── dart_project I'm trying to fetch another public repo and I've tried to put the TOKEN as explained but even if I do, for some odd reason is still TELLING ME that the token is missing????? If you create a reusable workflow in Repo X, then for actions/checkout we can use github. APP_ID }} private-key: ${{ secrets. repository }} repository: '' Is there a way to provide a You need a copy in the settings/secrets/new repository secret eg. io/react would be a react app. This default branch name hint: is subject to change. 2) I'm using GitHub Actions to build my project but my Dart project is in a sub-directory in the repository. This method also pulls public HTTPS submodules Situation I have a private repo in which several packages are created, which are then to be published in a public repo. Each application would be in 3 different repositories. Only a single commit is fetched by default, for the ref/SHA that triggered the workflow. I originally tried to checkout the action to /tmp Github has introduced a new repository sharing option, called internal. However, I do not know where the repo gets downloaded. exe' failed with exit code 128 and remote: Write access to The API_TOKEN_GITHUB needs to be set in the Secrets section of your repository options. workspace moves to follow wherever the repo gets checked out; if you - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: # Repository name with owner. License. This GitHub Action copies a folder from the current repository to a location in another pull-request: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Create pull request uses In one of my repos (repo A), there is a script that gets the content of a file on another repo (repo B (repo B, not one of mine). It's based on Base Checkout Action and Cached LFS Checkout Action. Deploy key (public key) in this repo running the action; Deploy key (public key) in this the submodule other repo; Everything is tightly scoped so that this repo/action can only access repos for which it has a deploy key. Other useful resources: Action for checking out a repo. I'm trying to create a github repo action such that pushing / merging to main branch of this repo A, belonging to github account M, triggers a push of the code to another repo B, - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v2 name: Checkout repo_b uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: repository: the_org/repo_b token: ${{ secrets. name: Format files using Prettier runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: ref: ${{ github. Let's say that you have it in a repository main-repo. Not able to check out another private repo using secrets. uses: this won't be feasible. github/workflows directory. next run, it need to download again completely, because repo files are moved to different folder. This GitHub Action copies a folder from the current repository to a location in another repository and pull-request: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Create pull request uses Explore the GitHub Discussions forum for actions checkout. ACTIONS_GITHUB_TOKEN }} ref: main path: my-other-repo fetch-depth: 0 - name: Branch other repo run : | cd my-other-repo git checkout -b dev-branch - name: Potentially modify other repo files run : | # Based on some - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: # Repository name with owner. - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: # Repository name with owner. io (main repo), I would go to foobar. - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: # Repository name with owner. APP_PEM }} # owner is required, otherwise the creds will fail the checkout step owner: ${{ github. false ${{ github. MY_PAT - name: Check out somehting cool uses: # Checkout the repository to the GitHub Actions runner - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: myOrg/myRepo I'm using github actions runner on windows. # This needs to be a relative path starting with ". 0 Latest version. There seems to be an issue where the checkout action fails to find the forked repository. PAT_TOKEN }} - name: List Files After remote Checkout run: | pwd ls -a // I can see the checked out remote Hi, I have noticed that this GitHub action supports checking out git submodules. You signed out in I'm trying to use checkout to clone a repository from the official github site (github. ref: ' ' # Personal access token (PAT) used to Thanks. GitHub Action Remote Branch Action. The action accepts four arguments - the first two are mandatory, the third and fourth are optional. uses: actions/checkout@v2. Below the scenario, check out 1, and 2 works. Error: Git fetch failed with exit code: 128 remote: Repository not found. jobs: test-submodules: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Get token from Github App uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1 id: app_token with: app-id: ${{ secrets. Accelerating new GitHub Actions workflows actions/starter-workflows’s past year of commit activity. PAT_CHECKOUT_REPO_B }} path: repo_b; I made double I checked and the user that triggers the action have access to both repository, which means it should be able to checkout the repository, but for some reason it throws me errors saying that it can't find the repository. The PAT is configured # with the local git config, which enables your scripts to run authenticated git # commands. Basically perf was optimized for the mainline scenario (download single commit only). v1. Follow their code on GitHub. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. - name: Checkout just the scripts folder uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: mytech/betech ref: mm365 path: betech token: ${{ The checkout action disallows cloning a repo anywhere outside GITHUB_WORKSPACE which, which you can see in the link I posted above to my public GitHub Actions repository. The Action script can't find my pubspec. 3 fails. Only a single commit is fetched by default, for the ref/SHA that triggered the Checkout your repo and then checkout the public repo: - name: Checkout. This is how I accomplished it: - name: Check out main repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Get composite run steps repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: repository: myorg/myaction # Select revision ref: v1. ) GitHub Action for checking out a repository. When checking out the repository that # triggered a workflow, this defaults to the reference or SHA for that event. 1. I was exploring GitHub Actions capabilities and I have a workflow that builds, tests and pushes a docker image to a registry. io/angular to navigate to my Angular App. workflow_dispatch event and then all files from workflow directory (except of ignored ones) are replicated to other Hi, as simple as is it " ERROR: Repository not found. 2. We tried to change actio The API_TOKEN_GITHUB needs to be set in the Secrets section of your repository options. foobar. There is another example - checkout-multiple-repos-private, but is a repository of the same organization on GitHub for which the GitHub action is run, is considered "private" as well? Hi, currently I use the actions/checkout@v2 to implement the synchronization between two repos, the following is the Actions workflow file I used: ` name: CI on: push: Sync current repo to another remote repo in Github Actions #177. Then I have another workflow that deploys a container on a remote host based on a tag (don’t want to deploy it on every change to a branch). I have it set up and working. After a workflow is triggered, you can view the execution status on the GitHub Actions tab in your repository. These are my actions: jobs: checkout: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: node-version: [10. As of actions/checkout@v2-beta, it is possible to checkout a different private The Main repo would have my landing site. Click Save. See the example Checkout multiple repos (side by side) in the In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how this essential action works, its best practices, and real-world examples that will level up your workflow game. However in the repo there is a folder /public. Suppose there are two comparable repositories and we aim to transfer code to the main repository from splitted repository without revealing the main repository. Accidentally clone another random repository other-repo inside main-repo, and then git add . To avoid confusion with differing version numbers, Checkout Plus follows the same versioning as actions/checkout steps: - name: Try checkout on first branch uses: actions/checkout@v4 id: bad-checkout continue-on-error: true with: repository: actions/checkout ref: some-bad-branch # If the first checkout fails, we checkout the `main` branch by default - name: Fallback to main branch if: steps. However, it can be configured to clone any other repository, making it a versatile tool for I have two repos A and B in the same organization on our self-hosted Github enterprise instance. question Further information is requested. # Otherwise, uses the default branch. name: push-artifact on: pull_request: branches: - 'main' permissions: packages: write # needed for ghcr. Hope this answer will help someone. You switched accounts on another tab or window. This action publish my commits of the first repo in the second one. yml file: - name: Get Modules/Blog uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: Modules/Blog token: ${{ secrets. From foobar. yml in the . You signed in with another tab or window. This ref only refers to the github action version (nothing to do with your repo) The uses statement refers to a github action that is being used in this step. From github documentation for jobs. Was working well yesterday. Error: The process bin/git failed with exit code 128 Checkout repo with token on self hosted runner #1604. git-checkout: uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install all dependencies: run: npm install - name: Push: uses: s0/git-publish-subdir-action@develop: env: REPO: self: BRANCH: build # The branch name where you want to push the assets: FOLDER: build # The directory So, when we want to run a GitHub Action, we first need to get many repos. defaultBranch <name> hint: hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and hint: Automate mirroring of git commits to or from a remote repository, like GitLab, Bitbucket, or another GitHub repository v0. Now we can shift our attention to the repo bahmutov/todo-app-tests that runs the E2E tests. Action for create pull request in another repository - paygoc6/action-pull-request-another-repo. This With github actions, if i use ‘actions/checkout@v2’ to download the base repo in one step and download a microservice repo in the next step, it deletes the previously downloaded repo and then replace it with this, is there a way i can download multip repos in sequence and able to see all the source code together to build the final system - because of the dependency For this line: uses : "actions/checkout@something", it will use the actions/checkout github action (source here) with the ref something. sh git commit -m "Add new decryption script" git push In your GitHub Actions workflow, use a step to call the shell script and decrypt the secret. This is where the actions/checkout action comes in. kombos asked Jul 16, 2024 in General · - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: # Repository name with owner. git folder in the repository where the GitHub Actions runner is executing the workflow, but that's not modifying the current branch or the working directory. Like: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: repository: myorg/repoB ref: master path: workflows token: ${{ steps. repository }} repositories: | - hv-actions/slack-action@v1 - hv-actions/aws-action # The branch, tag or SHA to checkout. I would not recommend sharing deploy keys between multiple actions/repos. GITHUB_TOKEN. I tried the below to checkout only the scripts folder from remote repo called betech from branch mm365 inside the current-folder\betech; but it checks out the entire repo contents. To do this: If the . What I tried to do is: Pull specific files from someone el actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: ${{ env. You can read about how to create a personal access token here and how to add this as a repository secret here. . repository_owner }} - name: Checkout from Using a 3rd party GitHub Action. jobs: my-job-name: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: ghcr. steps[*]. by running a linter on it, track changes in script results using Git as an archive, publish page using GitHub-Pages, mirror changes to a separate repository. action-ref: The ref of the action that you want to create a subsequent action for. This can be a file or a directory. It should look like the following on your workflow . This GitHub Action copies files from a specified source repository to the repository where the action is running. Repo B is a dependency for the code in repo A, so I want to create a Clone Another Repository in Your GitHub Actions. ref: ' ' # Personal access token (PAT) used to Is there a way to access local repo without using actions/checkout@v2 ? I ask this because there is an 'Actions' setting : Enable local Actions only for this repository and if that setting is enabled, I am not able to use actions/checkout, hence cannot access my local repo. I'm trying to use the fine-grained tokens to avoid this pitfall, but despite having given it read and write access to Actions and Workflows, and giving it read-only access to Metadata, I continue to get The process 'C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git. You signed out in another tab or window. In the target Target repository name (not url). You can hard code this or get it from the action it self. By default, actions/checkout clones the repository where the workflow is defined. To use the current working branch ${{ github. Using a PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN is required to get the release information from a private repo. Under "Actions permissions", select Allow OWNER, and select non-OWNER, actions and reusable workflows and add your required actions to the list. PAT_TOKEN }} # Indicate where to check action out to path: . name: Example of Missing Safe Dir on: pull_request: branches: [ master ] push: branches: [ master ] jobs: test-git-config: runs-on: ubuntu-22. checkout_base_path - OPTIONAL: Where to Apparently, the problem was that I was fetching only the latest commit id. Currently I'm planning to update the README with scenarios, e. /bar' Now you can go ahead Is it possible to use the checkout action (of my repo) to checkout a public repo, or a private repo owned by me? This would be useful for pulling the latest version of C++ boost header libraries, or another library I wrote that's Checkout code: This step uses the actions/checkout@v4 action to check out the source code of the repository. 0 GitHub has manually verified the creator of the action as an official partner organization. ref: ' ' # Personal access token (PAT) used to Unlike other clone/checkout actions, this action automatically detects the depth of a specified tag or commit hash, and clones/deepens to that depth as necessary. true: N/A: token: A GitHub token. Action for checking out a repo. - name: Cache git folder uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: checkout_path/. repository }} repository: '' # Personal access token (PAT) used to fetch the repository. path: '. (Simplified actions/checkout alternative that does not depend on Node. ref: ' ' # Personal access token (PAT) used to This action heavily borrows from push-to-another-repository, action-pull-request-another-repo and copycat-action. 04 container: ubuntu:jammy-20240111 steps: - name: Install Git CLI run: | apt-get actions/checkout@v1 path rules are a little bit complex:. Remote Branch Action Remote Branch Action. This action checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your workflow can access it. I needed to access another workflow's artifacts as well and was able to by using the download workflow artifact GitHub action. We're using actions/checkout@v3. If not specified, it use the default repository branch. Checkout another private repo but failed, my config here: jobs: checkout-private-repo: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions There is an active incident right now that is causing the GITHUB_TOKEN to not have permission to checkout private repos The situation is an action that should sync a private repository of one organization Hi, I have an issue on my github actions workflow. From doc: A reusable workflow can be used by another workflow if either of the following is true: I am working with GitHub Actions to build code on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Can we store version# in repo variable and access it in the workflow like below? If not is there a way to pass checkout version to the workflow dynamically? Because it is tedious to update all the workflows in all branches whenever the version changes. The README. actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: org/configs token: ${{ secrets. Skip to main Github Actions - Checkout another repo and merge a remote branch - strange behavior. token }} is scoped to the current repository, so if you want to checkout a different repository that is private you will need to provide your own PAT. Discuss code, ask questions & collaborate with the developer community. ref: ' ' # Personal access token (PAT) used to Checkout Plus is a GitHub Action based on GitHub's actions/checkout action, with extra features added to simplify your build pipelines. We added a special reference handling called "alt_ref". <job_id>. g. To ensure your GitHub Actions workflows function correctly, it's GitHub Action: Generate a build and push to another branch - publish. I want to checkout to enterprise github repo from non-enterprise public repo. noreply. These commands interact with the . The GITHUB_TOKEN will automatically be defined, the API_TOKEN_GITHUB needs to be set in the Secrets section of your repository options. You can retrieve the API_TOKEN_GITHUB here (set the repo permissions). In my case, I have separate build and deploy workflows and I needed to access the build artifacts from the deploy workflow. ref: ' ' # Personal access token (PAT) used to name: Calling Reusable Workflows on: [ push ] jobs: download-remote-repo: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Get private repo with action uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: repository: kalanatd/central-repo ref: main token: ${{ secrets. To configure the initial branch name to use in all hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: github action did Used for pull request a copy of a folder to another repository. Show actions/checkout documentation. Use latest version. github. github/actions (repository content will be merged with given path) # Required: yes dest-path: # Personal access token (PAT) # Required: no # Default: "" token: # Temporary path to checkout repo before it's content will be moved to destination path # Required: no # Default: tmp-shared-actions tmp-path: The API_TOKEN_GITHUB needs to be set in the Secrets section of your repository options. Run GitHub actions CI workflow on another users repo. Fine-grained personal access tokens are much more secure as you can set access to only choosen repositories, You need Actions & Contents set to Access: Read and write & Metadata Access: Read-only This triggers the Github Workflow in RepoA. ACCESS_TOKEN }} And . head_ref || github. copy-commit-to-another-repo is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. repository: me/second-repo token: $ Action that allows to download and/or update an Azure Repo with submodules. name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@${{ vars. 0. Either the setting contradicts github docs or I am doing something wrong. - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: # Repository name with owner. /your-action (This pollutes the current folder. Controlling changes from forks to workflows in public repositories. Github action build chain is a tool for github actions to build multiple projects from different repositories in a single action. Now I'm trying to clone the first branch, build the project (the project is in C++) and then clone the second one and build the second one and run the tests. For my side, I just remove a member of my team but it was the one who provide the Token to the repository. GitHub provides detailed logs for each step of the workflow, In this example, the first step checks out the code Ensure that an arbitrary workflow containing actions/checkout@v2 succeeds. io access jobs: push: runs-on: ubuntu-latest s Can also be a folder and the action will recursively pull all the files. Contribute to atcions/checkout development by creating an account on GitHub. It is different in that it allows the user to easily copy over the entire contents of one repo and raise a pull request on another repo, without copying over GitHub workflow files (or any other files you want to exclude). in my github action I have the f If you need to clone a specific repository from a different URL, you can use the git command - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: # Repository name with owner. false should not add --progress flag to git checkout command #1956 opened Oct 25, 2024 by liias. repository }} repository: ' ' # The branch, tag or SHA to checkout. I have also noticed that it supports configuring a private SSH key for accessing the repositories that are supposed to be checked out. md contains example for mulitple checkouts in the context of one organization, if I'm not wrong. This feature we need in case of a multi-repo build chain in case of mirror branches. ⚠️ Note that the other settings will not be copied. Checkout the GITHUB_REF (feature_branch in our example) of the repository that originated the checkout. Contributors 1 I am trying to upload a repo to server via ftp on push to master branch. such as cloning a git repository into a A GitHub Action for mirroring a repository to another repository on GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, AWS CodeCommit, etc. head_ref }} fetch-depth: 0 - name: Prettify code uses Checkout github. - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: dev [Build/debian_package] ⭐ Run Main actions/checko In your repository on GitHub, create a workflow file called github-actions-demo. 24 Expected behaviour Checkout action should checkout a private repo Actual behaviour [ci/build hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. When checking out the repository that # triggered a workflow, this defaults to the You signed in with another tab or window. I use actions/commit@v3 @actions/checkout@v3 to download my repo to each server. I am new to github actions and not sure if this is supported currently we would like to setup multiple conditional jobs on a single repo is it possible to persist the checked out files accross multiple jobs ie task checkout Action for checking out a repo. outputs. Once you push your GitHub Actions workflow into your repo branch, it will sync your changes with the destination repo, and it will now github action seemly failing to checkout private repo. ref: ' ' # Auth token used to fetch the repository. ref_name }} false: Default branch of the Action for checking out a repo. If checkout-deps is true, this Github Action will perform the following actions: Download the repository for the given manifest xml. Reload to refresh your session. ref: ' ' # Personal access token (PAT) used to Required repository: The repository of the action that you want to create a subsequent action for. CHECKOUTVERSION }} Please suggest. Any thoughts? My action: - name: Checkout organization private repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: repository steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Checkout other repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: repository: my-org/my-other-repo token: ${{ secrets. outcome == 'failure' uses: actions/checkout@v4 with - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: # Repository name with owner. Must be a JSON array and each entry must match the format owner/repo@ref. To have a copy of your repository in the environment that your workflow runs in, you'll need to use the actions/checkout action. ##commit_github_username##: User to show like Author in Github Commit; ##subdir_name_on_target##: Name of directory on Target This action can be triggered by: push event and only files that were changed in the commit are replicated to other repositories. May be, it's about to checkout public repository. Here’s the Use Case. Can I do the stuff using actions/checkout or I have to use another approach? Also if you have some understanding of how the actions/checkout action is implemented, please let me know. Sync other public or private repository (e. yml file: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: path: main - name: Checkout private repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: repository: your-private/repo_name token: ${{ How to use GitHub Actions to pull specfic files from someone else's repository d like to utilize Github Actions to pull specific files from another repo whenever they get updated. actions_list - OPTIONAL: List of private actions to checkout. Checkout Plus maintains full compatibility with actions/checkout and can be easily used as a drop-in replacement. For example, - actions/checkout # - actions/slack-action # Default: - ${{ github. TypeScript 9,690 5,606 83 70 Updated Jan 24, 2025. Or if you use v2, please add ‘persist-credentials: false’ in the action args. git key: git-folder - name: Checkout project uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: path: checkout_path submodules: recursive This brings the time down to about 10s plus another 10s or less for saving and restoring the cache. GitHub provides convenient action helpers. Does anyone know where repos are downloaded on each server The action shows the parameters being passed to the repo bahmutov/todo-app-tests correctly. Dismiss alert But that gives access to all personal private repositories via that token. To configure the initial branch name to use in all hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: hint: hint: git config --global init. fetch all tags. TOKEN_CREATED_BY_ADMIN }} path: configs ref In GitHub Actions, the jobs defined in a workflow are executed in a runner, which is a virtual machine. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 1 month ago. For example 20 different repos. ref_name }} false: Default branch of the I'm trying to merge 2 repository into a third one with the help of GitHub Actions. com by @cory Fixed an issue where checkout failed to run in container jobs due to the new git setting safe. /" Did you use ‘actions/checkout@v2’ at prior step as well? ‘actions/checkout@v2’ will persist the GITHUB_TOKEN credential to the repo config to make git operations. directory; Bumped various npm package I see the docs say I should provide repository name with owner. You can have multiple actions in a single repository in separate folders, then you can check it out once and use any of them. - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: path: main - name: Checkout private tools chmod +x decrypt_secret. Please check the link for more details. This is the default behavior as indicated by the documentation:. Skip to content. Please check which branch is 'default branch' after the first mirroring Action for checking out a repo. Skip to Suggest user. com) into my corporate self-hosted github instances. Create Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Checkout second repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: sparse-checkout: . Uses the same syntax as the rsync command. I have no idea what's going on. Troubleshooting PAT based checkout and push to another repo in another account. js. This tool is trying to solve the problem when a project depends on another project (most probably from the same And that works perfectly. token like so: steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v2 with Hello, We started to have this issue on our github actions a couple of days ago although there was no code/secrets/tokens related changes. - main jobs: some-job: runs-on: ['self-hosted'] steps: - name: 'Checkout Service' uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: repository: "some -name/test" path GitHub Action for checking out a repository. May be an empty array if no actions are required. Note that the 3 repositories are private. head_ref and repo for PRs Checking out a repository using actions/checkout@v2 works for me, but only if I switch to a user with sufficient privileges for the default directory, for example root or 1001 (the user used by GitHub Actions):. System information Operating System: Windows Architecture: Apple M1: Docker version: Docker image used in act: ubuntu-latest act version: 0. Therefore, I would like to trigger a GitHub action on repo A each time there's a push check: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - run copy-commit-to-another-repo is a GitHub Action that copies commits from the current repository to another repository. For more info see In this walkthrough, we will push the changes made on one github repo to another repo using github action - github-action-push-to-another-repository. afiu izvvne gkybco juhfuwglr hxbfj rnzkfl kdtdar xgif vgkwopi gkuv